Thursday, February 5, 2015

Christian Art

After Constantine's acceptance of the Christian Religion, the Roman's religion changed and also their artistic styles. Constantine's willingness gave us a harbinger of what kind of art would we have in the middle age. But not most of the people of Rome accepted this changed at first. The paintings that were produced and expressed by artist on this time of confusion showed rage and anger of the big sudden change of everything. Over time they have accepted everything and started building church for Christ. They built the city with grand buildings and architectures with big domes filled with artistic designs.
I am most intrigued with the Christian Atr's paintings because it all tell tales of Christ Jesus from his birth until his glorious sacrifice to save us from our sins. Some paintings justify the story others for me quietly mocks the existence of the religion. There were lots of hidden meanings and symbols. I remember the famous painting of Da Vinci which is the last supper, like in the early christian art you will see symbols with meanings, but there is something more. My former classmates and I were researching and found out that if you form the painting in pentagon shape you will see witchcraft signs and creepy symbols. It was a fun and scary experience.
Today most of us think that Christian Artworks are not as glorious as it was before. Maybe because we have largely lost respect and reverence of Christian art. But I still think most modern artworks of today modifies the true meaning of christian art.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Classical Art: Greek and Roman

The art of the ancient Greeks and Romans is called classical art. This name is used also to describe later periods in which artists looked for their inspiration to this ancient style. The Romans were so fond of the Greek work of at that they try to have one of their artworks or to at least have a copy of it. Greeks' country may have been conquered but heir artistic styles remained.
When I was a child I was very fond of the Greek mythology. I studied all the stories of their gods and goddesses and I was also very amazed by their mesmerizing artistic style, they were kind of creepy and fascinating at the same time. I loved the Greek mythology because their story have many mystical creatures and beautiful goddesses. Most of the games I played were all related to Greek mythology. I remember playing "god of war" on PSP, it was about the protagonist Kratos who wants to save his brother from the gods. I also fancied the selfishness of gods in their story, their mischievous plans against each other were unbelievably rude and wonderful. I guess if I have continued to fancy their artistic style and stories today, my artistic style would not be manga influenced but rather realism or naturalism.
I did not pay attention to Roman gods because theirs is the same as the Greeks only the names changed. Until recently when we were given a task to report our leader chose me to report the roman art history. As i studied their history i realized that i have been very foolish to ignore the Roman's art. And even though the Romans were known to be mere imitators of Greek art they still have contributed wonderful ideas on architectures. In comparison of the two, i think the Greeks were more artistic than the Romans since they were the original, but we do owe the Romans a debt of gratitude for interpreting the art of Greeks.